Guidestar provides online counseling services through the entire states of Tennessee, Kentucky, and Florida, making getting counseling services easier and more convenient than it has ever been. 

Are you a veteran struggling with PTSD, anxiety, or depression? As a veteran and a licensed therapist near Fort Campbell, Kentucky, I understand the unique challenges you face and can help you heal and thrive.

Headshot of a woman with long hair blonde and blue blazer

GuideStar Counseling & Consulting

- Veteran Owned and Operated -

Dr. Aimee Vaughn, LPCC-S


If you are ready to move on to a new and better phase of your life but don’t know how to get there, I can help. I often see clients who have talked about it a thousand times but don’t feel better and want something more out of therapy. I am a get to the roots of the issue type therapist. If you want to learn more about what that might look like for you, schedule a free consultation.

Call today for an appointment: 931.240.0897

or use the contact form below

Licensed Counseling available in Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky, including Fort Campbell.